Physics experiment: simulation of moving electrons, hydrogen and boron ions in a magnetic field

Computer simulation of idea 10 (with error in the program)

Experiment 10

In the following experiments there was an error in the program ( in the procedure Move2_particle,  cx:=cx+cc*Ex; cy:=cy+cc*Ey; cz:=cz+cc*Ez; {before error: cx:=cx+cc*Ex; cy:=cy+cc*Ex; cz:=cz+cc*Ex;})


Experiment 10.01:

Using the  Leapfrog method

The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons  is not  kept constant  (0,1 nA)
Generated 100 electrons with 1000 eV. Then slowly changed B-field from 10 G to 1000 G in small steps.

if (amountE=100) and not (Already) then begin
if B<1000E-4 then B:=B+0.0000001 else Already:=true;

{Bh:=B(1 + 2r1 + 10r2)  (r1= radius in xy-plane, r2=vertical distance from center cube, at side r1=0,5 & r2=0,5 m)
B at the sides stronger. B up and down also stronger.

electron[i].vz:=(0.5-random)*sp*0.00000000002;  2E-11 m/s  ->    -5,9E-5 < vz < 5,9E-5 m/s  (the initial vertical speed of the electrons)
(the initial vertical position varies +/- 0,05 mm )

After implenting this Leapfrog method, which was a bit complicated, I tried out the program and it did work.... normally a lot a runtime errors occure but this time nothing.. But anyway I will check the program, although it seems to work well.

Screenshot  exp. 10.01 1.25E-5 s
Video exp. 10.01 1.32E-5 s
During the first 1.25E-5 s the kinetic energy of all particles stayed more or less constant: 1,6019  E-14 s  (1,60199-> 1,60198)
The potential energy is slowly decreasing (from about 5.7E-23 to 5.3E-23..).
Screenshots exp. 10.01  2.35 E-5 s
After 2,35E-5 s the kinetic energy of all particles is still 1,6019 E-14 . (1,601968 )
The potential energy is 4,6 E-23; the electrons spread out.

Screenshots exp. 10.01 4.13 E-5 s
Ek = 1,6019 E-14 (1,601916957)
Ep = 3,7 E -23


Experiment 10.02:

Using the  Leapfrog method

The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons  is not  kept constant  (0,1 nA)
Generated 200 electrons with 100 eV. Then slowly changed B-field from 10 G to 1000 G in small steps.

if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin
if B<1000E-4 then B:=B+0.0000001 else Already:=true;

B-field constant everywhere

electron[i].vz:=(0.5-random)*sp*0.00000000002;  2E-11 m/s  ->    -5,9E-5 < vz < 5,9E-5 m/s  (the initial vertical speed of the electrons)
(the initial vertical position varies +/- 0,05 mm )

Screenshot exp. 10.02 3,11 E-6 s. (the electrons spread out)


Experiment 10.04:

Using the  Leapfrog method

The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons  is not  kept constant  (0,1 nA)
Generated 200 electrons with 100 eV. Then slowly changed B-field from 10 G to 1000 G in small steps.

if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin
if B<1000E-4 then B:=B+0.0000001 else Already:=true;

B-field constant everywhere

electron[i].vz:=(0.5-random)*sp*0.000000000002;  2E-12 m/s  ->    -5,9E-6 < vz < 5,9E-6 m/s  (the initial vertical speed of the electrons)
(the initial vertical position varies +/- 0,05 mm )

Screenshots exp. 10.04  5,25 E-6 s (the electrons spread out)

Experiment 10.05:

Using the  Leapfrog method

The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons  is not  kept constant  (0,1 nA)
Generated 200 electrons with 100 eV. Then slowly changed B-field from 10 G to 1000 G in small steps.

if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin
if B<1000E-4 then B:=B+0.0000001 else Already:=true;

B-field constant everywhere

electron[i].vz:=  0 (the initial vertical speed of the electrons)
(the initial vertical position not varies )

Screenshots\Exp. 10.05  8,24 E-6 s.jpg (electrons spread out)








First idea (Jan. 2013)
Second idea (Jan. 2013)
Third idea (Jan. 2013)
Fourth idea (3 Febr. 2013)
Fifth idea (6 Febr. 2013)
Sixth idea (8 Febr. 2013)
Seventh idea (16 Jan. 2014)
Eighth idea (17 Jan. 2014)
Ninth idea (20 Jan. 2014)


Tenth idea (2014 - 2016)
Computersimulation 10e idea  ((2015-2016)



2016     by  Rinze Joustra